TNUSRB PC Result 2023: Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board will be announcing the Police Constable, Jail Warders & Fireman Solution& Cut off Marks on of December 2022. Applicants can check the TNUSRB PC Result 2023 from the official website at Applicant who have written the TNUSRB PC Exam can check the complete information about Police Constable, Jail Warders & Fireman TNUSRB PC Result 2023 from the below section.
TNUSRB PC Result 2023 Cut-off Marks, Merit List Download, and other additional details are available in this article. The TNUSRB PC Result 2023 will be out soon. Monthly pay of INR 18,200 to 52,900 plus INR 2400 grade pay has been offered to the aspirants who will qualify for the TNUSRB PC Result 2023 for the post of Police Constable (Grade II), Jail Warder (Grade II), and Fireman. Read the entire post for more details regarding TNUSRB PC Result 2023.
TNUSRB PC Result 2023
Tamil Nadu Uniform Services Recruitment Board has publish a total of 3552 vacancies for the posts of Police Constable, Jail Warders & Firemen across Tamil Nadu District. Many Applicants successfully applied for the TNUSRB Police Constable Recruitment 2023 before the last date. Therefore, the TNUSRB PC Result 2023 has conducted the written examination for Police Constable, Jail Warders & Firemen posts on December 2022 at the affiliated exam centers.
Those Applicants who participated in the TNUSRB PC Examination have been waiting for the result for several months. As per the latest notification, the Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board will announce the Police Constable, Jail Warders & Firemen exam result in the last week of December 2022. Applicants are advise to check the Jail Warders & Fireman paper result & cut-off marks online mode only. The official web portal to download the TNUSRB PC Result 2023 is activated in the table below.

TNUSRB PC Result 2023 Overview
Department | Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board |
Recruitment | TNUSRB Police Constable Recruitment 2023 |
Name of Posts | Police Constable & Jail Warders & Firemen |
Total No. of Vacancy | 3552 Posts |
TNUSRB PC Exam Date | 27 November 2022 |
TNUSRB PC Result Date | December 2022 |
Job Location | Tamil Nadu |
Category | Result |
Official Website | |
Information TNUSRB PC
Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board was add up to as per G.O.Ms. No. 1806, dated: 29.11.1991. Presently the Board is head by Chairman, an officer in the grade of Director General of Police and has a Member in the rank of Additional Director General of Police. It has a Member Secretary in the rank of Inspector General of Police. It has a authorize strength of two Superintendents of Police and other officers & staff members to carry out the task of various recruitments. Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board is situated in an independent building at the following address. Result 2023 tnusrb-pc-result
The TNUSRB Police Constable examination came to an end recentl y. The Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board will announce the Police Constable, Jail Warders, and Firemen exam results on December 26, 2022, according to information provided to all applicants. Utilizing the official website on this page, you can quickly check the TNUSRB PC exam result. Utilizing the Registration Number and Password, you are able to download the PDF of the TNSURB Police Constable, Jail Wardens, and Fireman result scorecard in addition to the cut-off marks. The minimum score required to pass the Jail Warden & Fireman examination is the TNUSRB PC cut-off score. Candidates who pass the Jail Warders & Fireman exam can work anywhere in the state of Tamil Nadu.
TNUSRB PC Merit List tnusrb-pc-result
The board selects applicants for the subsequent hiring round based on their written exam scores in relation to the cut-off. For this selection, a Tamil Nadu USRB PC Merit List 2023 is created. The candidates selected from this merit list are contacted for the physical tests, which are the next step in the hiring process.
In addition, applicants ought to be aware that the board will select one candidate for each five open positions. As a result, this criterion will also have an effect on the merit list. The reserve of openings would also have an impact on the applicant selection list.
TNUSRB PC Cut-Off Marks tnusrb-pc-result
The minimum passing score for both the primarily written TET and the exam is set by the board. For TET in 2022, the TNUSRB Cut-Off Marks are 32, or 40% of all candidates. The board will only take into consideration applicants who meet these threshold scores for the main written exam copy. In addition, applicants must score 25 out of 50 points, or 35% of the total, on the main written exam. In order to be considered for selection from the final merit list, applicants must meet or exceed these cutoff marks.
TNUSRB PC Cut Off Marks 2023
Category | TNUSRB PC Cut-Off Marks 2023 |
General | 60-65 Marks |
BC | 58-63 Marks |
BCM | 55-60 Marks |
MBC | 55-60 Marks |
SC | 50-55 Marks |
SCA | 58-63 Marks |
Guideline TNUSRB PC Result Online:-
Tamil Nadu SI Police Selected Candidates List PDF for Next Phase (Registration No./Roster Wise)- Tamil Nadu Police Recruitment Board has released Deputy Inspector of Police Exam. Candidates who appeared in the written exam and are eagerly waiting for the result are now ready with roll numbers to find the result. TN Police Taluk, Armed Forces, Tamil Nadu Special Police Result Uploaded at &
- First of all, visit the official web portal of TNUSRB
- Check the Recruitment Section from the web page.
- Search for TNUSRB Constable, Jail Warders & Fireman Solution Link.
- Open the TN Police Constable Result Link.
- Enter the Registration Number and Password.
- After that click on Submit button.
- Download the TNUSRB PC Result and check the particular.
- Take a printout of Number Memo for future reference.
Details Mentioned On TNUSRB Police Result
- The applicant’s name
- Candidate’s category
- Candidate’s Gender
- Date of Birth of the Applicant Roll Number Exam Name
- Marks earned on the written test
What is the Release Date of TNUSRB Jail Warder Answer Key 2023?
As per expectations, TN Police Answer Key 2023 will be out by the 1st Week of January 2023.
How Much Scores are Enough to Pass the TNUSRB PC Result 2023?
You need to score above 65-70 Marks are enough to clear the TN Police Constable, Jail Warder and Fireman Result 2023.
When Will TN Police Constable Result 2023 announced?
TNUSRB Constable Result 2023 will be out by 2nd Week of January 2023.
From where we can check TN Police Constable Result 2023?
You can check from the official website @