TNDTE GTE Revaluation Notification 20223Out – Check Typewriting/ Shorthand Feb/May Exam Application Form: Government of Tamil Nadu Directorate of Technical Education has released the Revaluation Notification for Government Technical Examinations Feb/March 2023. Candidates who are appeared the Typewriting, Shorthand and Accountancy examination can check the revaluation details here.

tndte-gte-revaluation-notification-2023-typewriting-shorthand tndte-gte-revaluation-form-apply
The Online application form carrying all the details and intrusions, including the fee to be remitted can be download from the DOTE website. A hard copy of the online application form should be submitted to the Director of Technical Education, either in person, or but registered post/Speed post, along with Demand Draft.
The candidates has to pay Rs.400/- for Typewriting and Rs.500/- for Shorthand & Accountancy as fee per subject for sending the Revaluation answer paper. The amount should be sent in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Additional Director of Technical Education (Exam) payable at Chennai”
S.No | Schedule | Date |
1 | Date of Apply for Revaluation through on-line | 08.05.2023 |
2 | Last date for Apply for Revaluation through on-line | 08.05.2023 |
3 | Last Date for Receiving printed on-le application form for Revaluation along with a Demand Draft for Rs.400/- for Typewriting and Rs.500/- for Shorthand and Accountancy | 15.05.20223 |
4 | Tentative date for Declaration Revaluation Results | 00.05.2023 |
Open Google Chrome / FireFox / Netscape . tndte-gte-revaluation-form-apply
1.Navigator or any compatible browser.
2. In the address bar, type
3. Click Institution Login on the top right corner.
4. Give user name and password.
5. After successful login, it will take you to the notice board section.
6. To proceed, click Click to Proceed button.
7. In the menu click GTE > Apply for Scanned Copy of Answer Script
8. GTE > Apply for Scanned Copy of Answer Script
9. In the submenu, click Apply for Scanned Copy of Answer Script.
10. It will display the details of all candidates who appeared the GTE Examinations.
11. Click the Check Box of the rows, for whom Scanned Copy of Answer Script is required.
12. After completing the selection, click Update button at the bottom.
13. You can pay the amount using Online Payment Gateway Option
14. Enter the amount to be paid (You can pay the amount either as single payment or as multiple payments)
. Please note, final copy will be enabled, only if there is no shortfall in payment.
15. Give the billing information and credit card/debit card/UPI/net banking details.
16. If the payment is successful, it will be updated in the Amount Paid column. If the payment is not updated, but the amount is debited from your account, do not try to make multiple payments. Please send an email mentioning your approval number, name of the institution, transaction particulars and amount to
17. Please read our refund policy. NO REFUND WILL BE GIVEN.
18. After making payment, please take Draft Copy and verify
19. If the draft copy is correct in all aspects, you can proceed to final copy. Final Copy will be enabled only if there is no shortfall in payments.
20. Please note, after taking final copy, you will not be able to modify / add any records in the answer script requisition list.
21. Only final copy taken applications (before deadline) will be considered for processing.
What is the Application fee for TNDTE GTE Revaluation 2022?
The candidates has to pay Rs.400/- for Typewriting and Rs.500/- for Shorthand & Accountancy as fee per subject for sending the Revaluation answer paper
What is the last date for TNDTE GTE Revaluation 2023?
The last date to apply for the TNDTE GTE Revaluation is 08.05.2023
When the board will release TNDTE GTE Revaluation Result 2023?
The board will release the result on